marketing strategy & experience design

Case Studies

Moving the needle.

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Driving product adoption & usage through a dynamic content experience

With a complicated product, multiple acquisitions, and a wide end-user base, our enterprise technology client had a problem with customer satisfaction and attrition. They needed to simplify the post-sale product and onboarding experience to increase adoption, usage, satisfaction, and ultimately mitigate switching. 

Our solution included a multi-faceted content strategy, taxonomy system, and dynamic content experience—which focused on developing and integrating product, support & training, and thought leadership content—resulting in a 360% increase in online engagement and 38% increase in cross-sell.



Gaining operational efficiencies & cost savings by shifting HCP behavior online

Our pharmaceutical client had created a program enabling physicians to order health tests for patients. The program launched, somewhat unsuccessfully, due to an antiquated, half-analog, half-digital user experience, process inefficiencies, and data issues, resulting in order rates well below target.

Our solution allowed our client to digitize the complete ordering process, creating a streamlined online portal for test ordering, status, and results, resulting in a 300% increase in digital adoption and usage by HCPs.


Demystifying healthcare & optimizing utilization with clear action-oriented communications 

In the wake of the Affordable Care Act, our health insurance client, like many insurers, was challenged by high costs and competitive switching, attributed largely to members’ limited understanding of their coverage benefits.

Our highly-segmented CRM program and content strategy helped educate and guide various member types through their coverage and benefits and how to best use their plans to save them time and money, which resulted in lower out-of-pocket costs for members, higher member engagement and satisfaction, and a $60K/month reduction in benefit utilization costs.



Generating incremental revenue & operational efficiencies through optimized CRM 

With the growing successes of online DIY tax preparation competitors, our tax preparation client faced the increasing challenge of retaining and re-acquiring its customers year-over-year.

To help them increase annual sales, retain market share, and re-engage existing clients, we overhauled their CRM program and digital experience, leading to a 24% YOY increase in sales from the email channel as well as a 41% reduction in email volume (a significant cost-savings).



Reshaping the market & patient expectations by uncovering and delivering on unmet needs

As a late entrant to an established, competitive market with a leader in place, our pharmaceutical client had a significant challenge ahead: building trust and engaging a community of patients who were skeptical of pharma companies, complacent with their existing standard of care, and accepting of their daily reality.

To help establish our client as a credible player in a crowded space, we collaborated with patients to first listen and understand their unmet needs, then developed an unbranded community of support content and resources (for patients, in partnership with patients) that filled a much-needed gap for education, support, and connection. Our community saw exponential growth in year one, growing an additional 60% by year 3, with 100% retention and engagement levels 25 times higher than the industry benchmark. As a direct and measurable result of the community effort, 30% of our community members showed intent to switch medications and 15% engaged with our client’s branded programs.


Reducing churn & increasing sales with a digital experience overhaul

The growing successes of online DIY tax preparation competitors meant that our tax preparation client faced the increasing challenge of retaining and re-acquiring its customers year-on-year. 

To help them increase annual sales, retain market share, and re-engage existing clients, we overhauled their CRM program and digital experience, leading to a 24% YOY increase in sales from the email channel as well as a 41% reduction in email volume (a significant cost-savings).